jueves, 9 de enero de 2020

If you can help... please...

Por Roberto Patrón Zepeda

Last Update: January 10th, 2020, 12:00 p. m.

I have been today six more hours preparing the information, from many audio files, for recording a more detailed part of my report on Abuses committed in the shelter Casa de "Misericordia", but I need some hours more. Tomorrow I will have to go to be working, by selling in a market, some 8 hours for getting some $70 pesos (about USD$3.70; I have very little money for buying merchandise), having to do this again on Saturday and Sunday, in order to be able to pay at least $10 pesos a day in the shelter (as there is asked), and some other minor basic expenses.

These reports are taking me a long time, and I am having a lot of trouble for having sufficient time to study even in this way. I need at least a week more for making these reports sufficiently, without any guarantee of having in this way more time, because these people are always abusing any way.

In any case, I will be doing it in the next days.

These are the courses I have taken in the last months:

Cómputo Básico

(I first took this course, very quickly.)

Desarrollador Front-end


Desarrollador Back-end


Programador (orientado a objetos)


Lógica de programación


Diseñador de experiencia de usuario (UX)


Curador de datos


Administrador de bases de datos




Desarrollador de contenido digital


Mercadotecnia digital


You can download these files from

(Not up to date)

For extracting the content of this file (Courses.zip), just replace the extension .zip with .exe, double-click on it and then click on "Extract".

Next courses:

Analista de datos

Visualizador de Big Data

Técnico en minería de datos

Técnico en redes de datos

Desarrollador de aplicaciones móviles

Gestor de Imagen Web

Administrador de servidores

Comercio digital


Integrador de soluciones BI

As some of you know, I am developing a language translator software, LCP (Linguistic Concatenation Program), with a very high degree of accuracy, intended to solve the big problem of communication between people with different languages in the world.

I need to complete, at the same time that I am working in this, some studies for reaching this goal faster. I promise to get and show great results in at the latest three months, with your support.

So, if anyone can help me by donating me, please, click here. And I will help, you all, as much as I can.

Thank you very much!



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