Last update (in translating to English version): December 8, 2024, 8:50 p. m.
This is a translation in progress and review from the Spanish article:
Solución de los graves problemas que Estados Unidos padece
The Cause and Solution of the United States' Decline
In my book Aplicando Vacuna Antiataque Nuclear (Applying an Anti-Nuclear Attack Vaccine), I have spoken about the serious general health problem that the United States suffers from, and which consists of its obesity, that is, its pathological excess weight, from which other problems of all kinds are derived, which are also serious in themselves. Even moral ones, as in any case in which a vice or addiction prevails, which is urgent to satisfy, at any cost.
Aplicando Vacuna Antiataque Nuclear
There are illustrative examples there that I do not repeat here.
But I am going to add here, in a very succinct way, deductive explanations based on a universal law, which I state in the next edition, not yet published, of my book Teoría del Equilibrio Universal (Theory of Universal Equilibrium).
Teoría del Equilibrio Universal
Theory of Universal Equilibrium (it can contain translation errors)
I call it the law of limited growth or the law of balanced growth, and it consists in the fact that nothing in the Universe can grow or increase indefinitely, as I am going to exemplify here.
This law also implies that the process of growth consists of a phase in which it is driven by itself, a peak, in which such a phase ends and another phase from which growth is reduced, the more one tries to grow.
Until now, in many essential cases, humans only take into account the first phase, making very serious and costly mistakes.
This is the case, for example, in the fields of economics and politics, as is currently the case in Western countries, which are naively convinced that NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) could grow without limit. Experience is empirically showing them that this is not the case. But we cannot expect this experience to be repeated many times, since it would be extremely risky and expensive.
In the fields of fitness and health, it has been easy to see until now the certainty of this limitation. Therefore, almost everyone with basic knowledge in these areas knows that although to achieve hypertrophy or growth of muscle strength a certain excess of physical exercise is necessary, there is also a point from which overtraining occurs, which must be avoided because, from then on, exercise is counterproductive: it weakens, injures or sickens.
And the same goes for health, such as eating or taking supplements (vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc.) or eating foods, no matter how healthy they are considered or are.
On the other hand, in the field of engineering, I have searched on Google several times for phrases such as: maximum height a building can reach
Among the results of this search I have found a forum with a large number of answers, most of them almost completely false, from people who call themselves engineers or architects.
It is repeatedly mentioned there that there are only a few practical problems (much less than there would be in reality), and it is naively suggested that from a physical or technological point of view there would be no limit.
All these false answers are due to these people thinking small.
According to physics, the larger a structure is, the stronger the material it is built from must be, so that it can support its own weight. This is elementary knowledge in this science, and yet almost all the engineers who participated seem to ignore it.
This means that although you can build a straw man of a few centimeters or even a few meters, you cannot build a 20-meter one that is self-supporting. And while you can build a 20-meter-high one out of just ordinary brick and cement that will hold up, you can't build one ten times as tall out of the same material that will hold up. And so on. And while width helps, since there is a limit to the strength of materials, there is also a limit to the height of buildings.
A building so wide that it covered the entire surface of a planet the size of Earth, or any other size, would also have that height limitation.
And so we come to the case of natural structures in cosmic objects such as stars, galaxies and clusters of these: all obey the law of limited growth. Therefore, according to this and to what I have already published in my book Theory of Universal Equilibrium, the Universe could not really have originated in a Big Bang, since this would imply that all the matter was initially in one place, which would imply a growth or accumulation without limits in a system.
No star, galaxy or black hole can "grow" (increase its mass) indefinitely, no matter how large its mass and, therefore, its gravitational attraction. In fact, although after its birth there is always a stage in which it can grow without problems, the greater its mass and said attraction from a certain degree reached in its growth, the more probable it is that its end will not be peaceful, but very violent or explosive, in the form of a supernova.
Every physical structure in the Universe, starting from a certain amount of mass, and, in fact, the more mass it has, the more it needs to release excess energy in some way to remain stable or "alive", or else it self-destructs.
And this is not only at the large-scale structural level, or astronomical level, but also at the small scale, or subatomic.
Atomic nuclear disintegration or radiation is also an example of this, which only occurs naturally in the nucleus of heavy atoms; such as, for example, uranium, and not in light or stable ones, such as hydrogen or water.
The greater the number of particles in the nucleus, the more difficult it is for them to stay together, and the more unstable the atom is. And, in fact, by nature, it disintegrates continuously, releasing such excess energy or particles, until it reaches stability, through its radioactivity.
Likewise, the United States is currently squandering its energy and vitality in every possible way on countless useless, poorly planned enterprises, and will continue down this thorny and risky path until it reaches stability, unless it becomes aware of this problem and thus reduces its excesses in a controlled manner.
Of course, this waste that leads to stability is not something that this country is aware of, much less its purpose, but rather an automatic mechanism of balance, universal in every overextended or overfed system, like diarrhea or vomiting. And its universal objective is the benefit of the subject who suffers from such excess and of the entire system to which it belongs.
Through its excess of power, the United States has reached a degree of pathological obfuscation, which is facilitating, at least through a forced, risky and uncontrolled weakening, said exit or solution to stability.
Although diarrhea and vomiting are much less serious pathologies than what the United States suffers from, in any case control is required over this problem, otherwise it can be fatal.
The explosion of an atomic bomb is essentially analogous to the supernova of a star. Essentially, the only difference between these two cases is the scale on which they occur.
But the end of a country can also be analogous to these explosions (through a nuclear attack), since all living beings are organized in structures that are essentially analogous, in their behavior, to atoms, stars and galaxies, since we are governed by the same universal laws, in such fundamental qualities of space and matter, which do not distinguish whether it is organic or inorganic.
Just as in stars and atoms, in any country, or any other form of organization, association or enterprise of individuals or groups of any kind of living beings, there is a point in the degree of increase of its power from which, if it is not reduced or continued to advance, that individual or entity begins to degrade or decay, to corrupt, to lose internal cohesion and to disintegrate, the faster the greater its excess of mass (weight or influence) or power.
Mass in astronomical objects is equivalent to power (of attraction and repulsion; of protection and aggression) in the bodies, whether material or abstract, of living beings.
The excess of physical weight in individuals is a factor, as is known, that leads to cancer; which can also be suffered socially (intranationally) and internationally due to excess of power.
In living beings, as in inanimate matter, excess of power corrupts, produces abuse against others and oneself and, to the same degree of that excess, produces reactions against those who commit it, by those who suffer it; always implying that whoever commits it at the same time suffers it: self-destructing, partially or totally.
From the point of view of international and intranational relations, excess power in a country is a disease or illness in exactly the same way as, from a biological point of view, overweight and obesity are in individuals. And this can be fatal if it is not known or is not treated properly.
Thus, the pathological increase in drug addiction, mass shootings, suicides, corruption in the Government, LGBT+ and pro-abortion movements, obesity in its strict sense, indebtedness, mass immigration, warmongering and many other evils that the United States currently suffers from are the symptoms of an intranational and international cancer that is already affecting and destroying all the organs of this country, although its cure is still possible.
In the conditions of obesity, of multiple excesses in its ingestions, in which the United States finds itself, the liberal party, that is, the party of excesses par excellence of today, is very inappropriate to govern it. It is like putting a cancer patient due to obesity under the supervision of a chef, instead of a nutritionist.
One of the greatest challenges that Donald Trump will face in his next term as president of the United States will be to become fully aware of this diagnosis and how to effectively combat this pernicious state of health, both intranationally and internationally.
All the cancers that the United States currently suffers from are still curable, through a healthy diet, work and life regime, balanced with the outside, that is, adequate for achieving a successful relationship and competition with the rest of the actors in the world environment in which it currently lives.
The crisis of mass deaths due to fentanyl addiction has the same cause, which is the excess of power of this country; which, in the intranational field, is causing in itself this state of social degradation by which these vices or addictions are increasing, and which, in the international sphere, is at the same time causing seriously erroneous relations with Mexico, Latin America as a whole, China and many other countries.
Such a change in lifestyle, diet and activity, if implemented, will also drastically reduce this problem.
How the United States can Successfully Confront China, Russia and other BRICS
China and Russia are winning, with relative ease, the economic and military competition with the United States, due, in large part, to this state of degradation or decay (exactly like that which occurs in a uranium atom), nuclear and general, that this country has been suffering, with its Western allies, due to its excess weight or power.
And in large part due, of course, also to the fact that these two countries are the two main actors in the rival geoeconomic-political pole; which is not a problem, but rather an essential counterweight to the progress of the whole world. In this case, then, for the purposes of finding the solution, what matters, initially, is the problem alone; that is, the fact that the United States is currently in decline or degradation.
What the United States still does not understand about the trade threat from a rapidly expanding China is that it will not defeat, much less surpass, China with sanctions, but can only match it by competing, directly, without cheating. Cheating is the resource of losers, of the defeated or defeatists and the failures.
And it may win some games or battles in this way, but not a war. In fact, the worst thing is that the more time is wasted trying to win by cheating because of the fear of a fair and healthy confrontation, following the rules of free competition, the weaker it becomes, the more it stagnates and the more it loses. It is a vicious circle, from which the United States has not yet managed to escape.
Sanctions, blockades, tariffs and any other kind of dirty trick or imposition, imply the same authoritarianism as the machismo of an insecure and jealous man in relation to his girlfriend or wife and his rivals, and always lead to one of two types of failure:
1. Although when, unfortunately for everyone, a real man does not appear on the path (interested in the cowardly submissive woman) the yoke remains against her, it is evidently a relationship in which the progress of both parties (victimizer and victim) is bogged down.
There are "men" who have been so macho for so long or all the time that they have forgotten or never known the progress that, in such a relationship, is achieved only when the woman is free to choose another man, for the qualities that he has or for any other reason.
Unlimited competition with other men is essential for the maximum progress of any couple. As well as, of course, that the woman freely competes with other women.
Although from the point of view of the ambition for maximum progress and well-being the macho way of relating is, due to the enormous failure that it implies, completely rejectable, if a macho man insists on the comfort and conformism of subjugating his partner in this way, he runs the risk that as soon as a real man appears before "his" woman, she will undoubtedly cease to belong to him, because in reality she was never his like that, and now she can finally cease to be so by force.
The only way for a woman to truly belong to a man is to be free to not be his. This is not a romantic phrase, but the harsh and just reality on the road to any form of true and lasting progress, in every sphere of life.
And even when the conformism, laziness and cowardice, that is, the lack of manliness of a "man" or a country is such that it prefers this risky and temporary comfort, the second form of failure, of this form of relationship by submission, is overwhelming and total.
2. When a real man appears on the road, unprejudiced, modern and courageous, as China and Russia are, the abuse ends, fortunately for everyone, including the overthrown "man" or country, who thus finally knows manliness in itself as well; only by force, because it was never able to know it by itself, independently, without such enormous, involuntary help from its rival or rivals. It is then that, by force, it awakens, and is finally forced to progress truly and seriously. Although America has not yet awakened, because China and Russia have not yet shaken it sufficiently. But they will inevitably do so.
In fact, Russia and China, and much of the rest of the world too, see so clearly the grave error in which America finds itself, that they go forward feeling absolutely certain that they will triumph, and quite rightly so. They know, with absolute certainty, that America is at present nothing but a lazy, impotent coward, who beats his wife and locks her up, and therefore will stand alone against them, justly.
Still resting on his laurels, America still dreams, with extreme naivety, that by overwhelming his rivals with mere acts of cowardice he will defeat or intimidate them, while they thus revive and laugh, working even more like men, because, unlike the former, they have been at the same time wide awake, contemplating and experiencing reality.
The United States is currently acting like one of those "men" who beat, punish or threaten his girlfriend or wife and/or her suitors with the naive aim of making her faithful to him; and he fails to understand that in the current world order this is no longer possible, not even in the mediocre, conformist and pernicious way in which it was possible before.
If the United States continues to not put aside its cowardly, naive and lazy machismo, China, in the commercial sphere, will dominate, by far, the relations with the "women" that the United States had previously kept subjugated as its own.
If the Trump administration fails in this way, as is likely to happen if it continues with its authoritarian, deceitful, sexist, cowardly policy, it will give voters a great incentive to place another Democrat in the White House, even though this one will certainly not have an effective project either, and, in the present situation, the United States will not withstand another liberal mandate without much more serious results, such as a fracture of this country.
Based on the above, the United States can compete effectively with China through these steps:
1. To investigate, analyze and know, in depth and in detail, the causes of China's industrial and commercial success internationally.
2. To investigate its defects and how and in what the United States can overcome its strengths and weaknesses in these areas.
3. To induce in American companies what China has been doing well, adding the aforementioned improvements and with a total focus on this free competition, without in any way being distracted by finding and opposing obstacles; such as tariffs, sanctions or blockades.
An illustrative analogous case: For months I was putting bird food on the roof of my house and watching them eat. Although the dishes were large enough so that several birds could eat from any one of them at the same time, a stronger and/or more aggressive bird would often come along and, by pecking and flapping its wings, prevent the others from eating, although it had to spend so much time doing this that often another even stronger or more aggressive bird would soon appear and chase away the one trying to monopolise everything, allowing the others to eat too; in other words, just as China and Russia are now pushing aside the empire of the United States and its allies.
Thus, although the food, just as on Earth as a stage of competition, was very noticeably sufficient for all, the selfish gluttonous bird was often driven away without having eaten anything because it was too busy attacking others.
In animals of other species, this absurd and self-destructive behaviour is also observed. However, the Universe is such that it automatically balances everything: individuals or entities that act in this way, since they consequently eat less and at the same time try harder, uselessly, become weaker and cannot continue their abuses.
It must be remembered that Biden, when he unleashed another escalation of war against Russia in Ukraine in February 2022, said that he was going to isolate Russia, resulting in his own country being isolated, and at the same time more allies with Russia.
And the same thing will happen again with respect to China, in the economic war, as an effect of Donald Trump's hoarding policy (defeatist, fearful, authoritarian and decadent), if this course does not change.
The United States is still in a phase of its decline or degradation in which it still insists on eating only itself. It is up to it how it faces this problem, correcting the course now or waiting for its losses to be even greater, or even irrecoverable.
For the development of knowledge within this field of international competition, I suggest the employment or creation, in the United States, of a research institute, a think tank, dedicated, in whole or in part, to creating and developing better forms of business production, management and marketing, with a view to winning in any competition, international and intranational, with a special focus on competing with China.
In many of my previous publications, in video, in writing and in audio, I have spoken about how to increase creativity and production, showing very innovative, very effective ways, which without a doubt no company in the world has yet applied, and which in the near future will determine who wins any competition.
China can apply them too, for the benefit of the United States and the rest of the world, which will also progress to the maximum.
Links to some of these publications:
Ideas de Mejora para HELLA*
* Ideas for Improvement for HELLA
Hacia el Máximo Progreso en las Empresas y en la Vida*
* Towards Maximum Progress in Business and in Life
* Superhumans
There are countless other ideas with the same objectives of achieving maximum progress, which I plan to publish as soon as I have time.
The Cause and Solution of Mass Immigration and Drug Trafficking to the United States
It is evident that the United States today, for a long time and increasingly, has a serious problem in Mexico due to mass immigration. I pointed out this growing and very serious problem, existing and potentially much more growing, publicly years ago. And what I predicted is now closer.
Throughout this time, in which this problem has been getting worse, one of the main causes, on the side of the United States, has been the aforementioned: the excess of power of this country, which has therefore been assuming positions that are inconvenient to achieving the solution.
Since immigration and drug trafficking have the same causes, I will treat these two problems here as one, except when specified.
As for drugs, the problem of demand in the United States as a stimulus for supply to and through Mexico has been mentioned many times. And, although the United States Government seems not to take this part of the problem into account as well, the many signs of the decline of this country, which are increasing recently, are increasing along with the demand for or addiction to drugs and at the same pace.
Part of the solution to this serious problem is the restoration of sanity in American society, through a moderate and healthy way of eating and living in general, as I have indicated above. Two of the many great problems of the United States that will be solved by such a moderate and healthy way of life are precisely such addictions and, as I show below, massive illegal immigration.
For now, it is necessary to draw attention to the highly significant or revealing fact that although Mexico, Canada, China and other countries are pointed out as the origin or/and conduit for many drugs, especially fentanyl, the huge market is not in any of these countries, but to a much lesser extent, than in the United States.
The United States has increasingly become a powerful magnet for drugs and immigrants, and this is in response to or as a result of the way in which the United States treats or relates to other countries.
Regardless of whether it is in Mexico or China where fentanyl is being produced so far, Mexico is by far at least the largest conduit or passage, and, if it is not currently occurring, it is almost certain that this drug will also be produced here, in such a way that in this respect this country will also monopolize the market in the United States.
This is not only because Mexico is its neighbor, since in the case of its neighbor Canada the supply, of drugs and immigrants, is much smaller.
What makes the big difference between Canada and Mexico is obviously that between Mexico and the United States the economic disparity is much greater.
I know that this will sound absurdly shocking to a large part of Americans, but the reality is that the United States is systematically violating a fundamental and fully verified principle of progress in all aspects of life, which says that the best way to help yourself is to help others.* For success in any enterprise, it is well known that the best way to win is to help others win too, and that the more you help others win, the more you win too.
* And I am not talking about morality, but about economics, and all the other aspects that it essentially determines.
Conversely, all abuse and/or contempt or indifference towards others is reversed in multiple ways, through a huge set of problems that always arise in others, and that, inevitably and involuntarily, spread and reach the abusive, exploitative and/or selfish, in countless ways.
In fact, the solution is entirely in the power of the United States, if it decides to accept it and implement it. And it is now when it most urgently requires it, and when it can most accept it, due to the current situation in international competition, with the profitable and growing threat of China in Latin America.
The evident success in Russia and China with respect to the United States recently, is essentially due to the fact that these two countries, and many others that already form or will be part of a rival pole of the West, understand and apply this principle in their international relations, while the United States refuses and continues clinging to continue doing exactly the opposite of what, known and really, does lead to success.
If you apply this in your relationships with your customers as a manufacturer and seller of, for example, cars, because you know well that only in this way will you sell or sell more than the competition, it is necessary to keep in mind that just as the manufacturer or seller and the customer or buyer form a kind of alliance between themselves, as are the partners of the same company, so too the partners are essentially the same as a seller and buyer relationship.
The main origin of this whole problem lies in the fact that the United States has always seen and continues to see Mexico and all of Latin America, not as a real opportunity for its true and healthy growth, but simply as a source for its narrow, conformist and short-sighted satiety of very unhealthy pleasures, that is, very unnutritious, because it continues to cling to an obsolete concept, already very harmful today, of progress, based on exclusion and exploitation, with an arrogant disdain for even knowing the primary causes of the problems in such a relationship.
Mexico, like the rest of Latin America, is extremely corrupt at all levels of government. And, consequently, in the vast majority of companies, since there is no real justice system here in this country, but only a simulated one, that protects workers.
In Mexico, around 115,000 missing persons have been registered, still unfound, in such a corruptly opaque way, that we can assume that in reality there are many more.
Desaparecen más de 50,000 personas en el sexenio de AMLO*
* More than 50,000 people have disappeared during AMLO's six-year term
At the same time:
In Mexico, out of every 100 crimes committed, only 6.4 are reported; out of every 100 crimes reported, only 14 are solved. This means that the probability that a crime committed is solved in our country is only 0.9%.
El tamaño de la impunidad en México*
* The extent of impunity in Mexico
Taking this into account, it is reasonable to assume that the lack of a functional or real justice system in Mexico is largely responsible for the huge number of missing persons, because many people are thus forced to take justice into their own hands, in addition to those that the Government "disappears".
Taking this into account is also, at the same time as the problem on the US side, essential to solve the problems of illegal immigration and drug entry through Mexico into the United States:
The Mexican government is so corrupt that any economic "aid" that the United States gives it in order to reduce immigration will be largely stolen, and/or will be, in any case, nothing more than a way of perpetuating this problem, since the cause is precisely in the government itself, whatever it may have been (of any party or individual) until now:
Through its extreme corruption and injustice, the Mexican government is a huge factory of emigrants, who are forced to leave this country to survive, and of drug traffickers who, for the same reasons as those, are pushed and marginalized into activities that, although very dangerous and unpleasant, imply lesser degrees of indignity than the abuses suffered by the great majority of workers in this country. They are simply bold and assertive people who, under very different conditions of justice, would undoubtedly be, for the most part, outstanding leaders of highly profitable companies in the legal field.
Mexico is really comparable to an individual so sick with corruption that he lies prostrate at the gates of the United States, entering it whenever he can, to defecate and spread his disease.
Since the United States will never be able to close the doors completely and permanently, nor control them with complete efficiency, this sick person will always return; and in fact with more frequency, as his disease continues to worsen, as is in fact happening.
The difference between this analogous case and the reality in question between the United States and Mexico, is that the United States cannot take or drive Mexico away from its side. It will always remain there, by force, inevitably; and increasingly worse, if a solution is not applied.
So why not look for a real, and lasting (at least a few centuries) solution to this problem? If we return to the analogous case, we can easily see that these are not options:
1. To kill the sick one, and cremate them, with atomic bombs, because what remains of him or in his place will be even more polluting than his illness.
2. To send them back when they enters without permission, that is, to carry out a massive deportation of immigrants. Is this just to keep them from being in the United States? Or is there also the purpose of putting the very corrupt Mexican government under great pressure to not be so corrupt and to take responsibility for its citizens? Is it believed that this deportation will reduce the extreme levels of corruption in the Mexican government?
None of this will ever happen, but rather the opposite, which is in fact what has been happening and will continue to happen if this problem is not dealt with appropriately.
The Mexican government, like that of all other Latin American countries and many other countries in the world that are also huge factories of immigrants, is so extremely vile, cunning, corrupt and shameless that it will never become moral as a result of any pressure like this, no matter how strong it may be. The Mexican government, of course, is never the one to absorb blows like that, but rather it passes them on to its citizens, and, of course, not to just any of them, but specifically to the poorest. It simply looks at those bills for a fraction of a second and throws them to the people, who are always the ones who pay.
The governments of these countries are so corrupt that they have enormous room to maneuver in the face of obstacles and curves like that. Their path of corruption is, in practice, infinitely wide; and they can never derail, or even really get scared, but only get a little uncomfortable. They are totally hardened by naive, totally innocuous criticism, which, through decades of abuse in countless ways, instead of teaching them a lesson, thickens and hardens their scales and shell.
The price of everything the United States charges them, or charges "Mexico", is in reality only for the people, the most impoverished and abused of its inhabitants, that is, for those, precisely, who have emigrated to the United States or have thought of doing so.
Although mass deportation dissuades many (the least needy), at the same time it "encourages"; this is in fact, it forces many more than those it dissuades, because consequently their conditions worsen even more.
The mass deportation of immigrants generates an enormous increase in poverty, violence and injustice in Mexico, and in any other country in similar conditions.
As poverty increases, ignorance increases; and as this increases, corruption in the Government also increases, and it is a vicious circle in which everything gets worse, and this is exactly the reality, from always and until the present.
In Mexico and abroad, there are many extremely ignorant people who believe that López Obrador and his party, Morena, have governed this country relatively well, when in fact he is one of the most corrupt presidents that Mexico has had in its entire history.
Since the governments that Mexico has had have always been worse and worse, a moment was reached in which it was unbearable to continue admitting the PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional), famous for its astonishing corruption. And then a stage was reached in which, by removing this party from power, the hope of achieving some progress was very naively entertained; which, of course, resulted in a total deception, with the PAN (Partido Acción Nacional), which far surpassed its predecessor in corruption.
When the Morena party (Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional) noticed that the people were already fed up with the cynical and extreme corruption of the rulers of these parties, it used a different strategy, which was a hypocrisy that extended to almost maximum or messianic levels.
When a people is very ignorant, there comes a time, usually very late, when of course it gets tired of putting up with a very corrupt political party, and it changes it for another one; the one that if said people have not progressed in knowledge, will always be much worse, much more unjust, than its predecessor. And in reality there are countless different dazzling options, which can keep an entire people, of more than 100 million inhabitants or many more, in that vicious circle of worsening for centuries or for its entire existence, however long that may be.
The change from cynicism to hypocrisy, which in the mandate of Andrés Manuel López Obrador finally became cynicism, partially stripping off its mask, although giving way to another government, that of Claudia Sheinbaum, of the same kind, which combines that extreme cynicism with the usual hypocrisy that has borne so much fruit for the party in power, is nothing more than one of those infinite forms of dazzling an extremely ignorant and naive people. And, of course, we are now heading, with Claudia Sheinbaum and Morena, to much worse times, of greater migration and drug trafficking to the United States.
The Mexican government not only has infinite resources to make the people absorb the full cost of any sanction, aggression, blockade or mass deportation, but at the same time it very easily shields itself from any responsibility on the part of its people, through massive campaigns to discredit any US government that dares to commit such "abuses", that is, by placing on it, as on its own people, another huge part of the blame for these problems.
In fact, almost all Mexican "intellectuals" and journalists are also so ignorant that they unanimously echo the position of any Mexican government, or any other similar country, that finds itself in such a situation and criticizes it. And this is extremely important, because it practically reduces to zero the criticism of this Mexican sector towards its current government, in all these cases in which, for example, Donald Trump is always an incarnation of the devil or something worse.
And what is the result of all this? More migration to the United States, and moreover, of people who despise the government of that country, much more than that of their country of origin, ironically.
When at the beginning of false option 2, I say "carry out a massive deportation of immigrants", in reality it would not be one, but, in addition to those already preceded, a growing number of ever-increasing deportations, with no other limit than that of becoming impossible due to their uncontrollable overflow, and the weakening of the United States, as a consequence of this and many other simultaneous forms of its actions of decadence.
Trying to solve mass immigration through massive deportations is like sweeping a pile of dirt repeatedly by piling it up between the floor and the wall; from which, of course, it always slides towards the floor from which it is attempted to be removed. It is an endless job, and the more one sweeps from one side of the floor towards that walled-in side or a corner, the more one returns to that side from which one sweeps.
Mexico and all of Latin America, as well as any other country in similar conditions of extreme corruption and mass emigration, are part of the Western decadence. They are not alien to this problem, nor, of course, are they without responsibility.
However, the governments of the countries to which millions of people are emigrating due to their wealth and lack of understanding of this problem are the only ones where the power to solve it in a real and lasting way is, potentially or actually, depending on how it is decided. No government of any country like Mexico is going to achieve this, because it is not even going to pretend to do so, as a result of its extreme corruption.
3. To cure them by beating them. Although in many prisons in Mexico, this is how many prisoners are usually subjected, and using the word "cure", the reality is that it does not work, but very poorly. (And although many parents do "educate" their children in this way, this is not about "education" but about a disease and its real cure.) And this is what the United States is trying to achieve, in vain, by imposing tariffs or threatening to do so. The result in this case is also a vicious circle in which immigration increases, as in the case of mass deportation of immigrants.
The problem of extreme corruption in Mexico is so serious that we can, and should, in order to really solve it, consider it a disease. Otherwise, no attempt will solve it.
4. To cure them, with an appropriate treatment, for example, medicine. This is close to a real solution. But it does not work, because due to the very nature of its disease, Mexico (its government) will not accept it, alleging attempts to violate its sovereignty as a pretext to prolong, indefinitely, its astonishingly extreme corruption.
There is only one possible solution:
To help them to heal. Negotiating with they their cure. But, progressively, negotiating THEIR CURE (the progressive removal of his extreme corruption); NOT some of their symptoms or all of them. That is, negotiating their etiological cure, not his symptomatic one, because the latter will even lend itself, as has always happened, to the perpetuation of blackmail: to an endless sale in which Mexico says: "give me this" or "don't do this to me" "and I'll let fewer people through" or "I'll confiscate more drugs".
That has always been a big business for the extremely corrupt Government of Mexico. I have published more detailed information on this matter here:
Envié Denuncia contra el Estado Mexicano a la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos*
* I sent a complaint against the Mexican State to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
This is a business of the Mexican Government that has not only never solved the problem of mass migration, but very pettily and fleetingly, but, instead, has also prolonged it and worsened it increasingly.
Apparently, the position of the United States Government is that this is a problem of Mexico, and that the United States does not have to invest money or time in solving Mexico's problems, but only in punishing and threatening it, which is simpler.
However, the reality is that punishments and threats have never worked and will never work sufficiently in this case, and that this "Mexican" problem is increasingly costing the United States much more, in lives, money, time and much more, than what it would cost to invest in learning more about its neighbor and how to truly help each other.
The current huge anti-democratic setback in Mexico, orchestrated by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, his Morena party and the current president of the Republic, Claudia Sheinbaum, is generating logical distrust in this country among investors.
However, the extent to which China continues to invest and expand in Mexico should be a clear indicator, not necessarily essential, of what the United States can also do and even surpass. Otherwise, we would be faced with a pretext to try to justify the current American reluctance to compete freely with China.
And China is certainly not going to stop expanding while the US marginalizes itself by playing dirty, unless the US wakes up and really does work on it.
If the US does not abandon its coercive and violent authoritarianism and does not start to attract instead of compel, as Russia and China are doing, it will lose everything.
The United States is currently completely dedicated to these two things: losing the trust of a large part of the planet and at the same time basing its economy largely on the trust of that large part of the world, which is largely the same part whose trust it is systematically destroying.
It is like someone who sticks a knife in one hand and at the same time another knife in the other hand, as if to make absolutely sure that he will not be left alive.
The current time is to attract, not to force.
Investing in Mexico trying to bring it as close as possible to the level of economic, scientific and technological progress that the United States has, will reduce the need for migration and drug trafficking; it will raise the educational level of Mexicans, and, thus, will allow them to elect better leaders, who in turn will also contribute significantly to the same end, in a growing virtuous circle, to the benefit of both countries.
This is the only thing that can reduce mass migration and drug trafficking, strengthening both countries in all other aspects.
This question then arises: Is it not a contradiction to say that the current decline of the United States and its allies is due to their excess of power or "size" (mass), by trying to "expand" (enrich, like uranium) too much through NATO, and then also to say that what the United States needs to solve many of its most serious problems is to integrate with Mexico (and Latin America)?
No, of course, this does not imply any contradiction, as I will clarify immediately.
As I mentioned before in other words, any union of individuals is reduced or loses authenticity, becoming weak or false, to the extent that it is not voluntary, but forced or pressured, or induced by unconvincing motives or "reasons", which produce an effect of little or no motivation or even reluctant consent. I spoke of this also in my book Aplicando Vacuna Antiataque Nuclear.
Thus, an insecure and jealous man who imposes too many restrictions on "his" woman, such as, for example, in the way she dresses and relates to the opposite sex, will normally cause dissatisfaction in her, in many cases kept hidden by herself, for fear of punishment from her partner, or of which she has not been aware due to not having met another man who does not limit her so much.
However, when she meets another man who attracts her as much as her partner, and who, on the other hand, does not impose restrictions on her or does so much less, it is very likely that she will prefer to join him and separate from the first. This may imply that the second does not prohibit her from relating to the first, but that the latter does prohibit her from relating to the second. So, which will she prefer? Logically the second. From there then arises the split or loss of union, or divorce, between the members of the initial couple in this case.
This generous or very undemanding attitude of the second man in her life in this case, moreover, is typical of companies that begin to compete in a market cornered by another company that is already well established and well established there, as China and Russia are now doing in the economic and political competition with the United States, gaining ground on it.
This is practically how all companies that overthrow another that was initially larger from its dominant position succeed.
And in the same way, of course, any country or group of countries tends to disintegrate when that alliance does not have sufficient or true support, as is clearly occurring among NATO members, where cohesion is nothing more than a crude caricature of the union between the parts that make up Russia.
The ways in which a country or alliance of countries disintegrates, as a result of its excessive (unfounded, unmotivated) growth, are very numerous.
One of them is the easy squandering of money on illusory ventures, which are entirely destined to fail, as is the case of the war against Russia through Ukraine. The weapons and money that almost all NATO countries and other allies have been throwing away in abundance for a long time are nothing other than the way in which at our systemic level, in organisms or organic matter, an automatic release of excess occurs, for the good of the entire system, in the same way that, at the atomic level, the nucleus of these particles disintegrates.
Money and weapons, like any other good valued by humans, are nothing but particles of energy that the unstable nucleus (London, Berlin, Paris, etc.) of each of the heavy and radioactive atoms (United Kingdom, Germany, France, etc.) that make up this alliance (NATO) as a molecule, emit automatically with the aim, involuntary in them but not without an aim in the laws of the Universe, of achieving stability in themselves, through their impoverishment or, in other words, in this case, loss of excess enrichment, for the good of the entire system (the planet Earth) in which they find themselves.
This is also essentially analogous to a sexually excited person masturbating, to a furious person hitting a wall, and to a young man in love, after saying goodbye to his partner, overflowing with love, overflowing with erotic emotion, on returning home, shouting at the birds and trees in a park he is passing through.
These latter cases have long been understood to have such stabilizing functions. However, this is not the case with the involuntary case of countries and individuals who are suffering excesses in one way or another.
When it comes to liberation from excesses such as those the West is now experiencing, it is possible, through knowledge of what is happening, to handle the situation in such a way that the situation does not handle one, and that the result is the most convenient.
Currently, however, due to ignorance of this, the West is behaving analogously to a subject so sexually aroused that he simply tries to rape whomever he feels like doing so, instead of what he would do if he had sufficient experience in this regard or the necessary theoretical knowledge, which would at least allow him to masturbate, or, much better, to use a psychoanalytic term from Sigmund Freud, to sublimate his libido in ways channeled to his own true benefit, that is, by benefiting others as well.
Here is an excerpt from the article Sublimation, from Wikipedia:
In psychology, sublimation is a mature type of defense mechanism, in which socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are transformed into socially acceptable actions or behavior, possibly resulting in a long-term conversion of the initial impulse.
Sigmund Freud believed that sublimation was a sign of maturity and civilization, allowing people to function normally in culturally acceptable ways. He defined sublimation as the process of deflecting sexual instincts into acts of higher social valuation, being "an especially conspicuous feature of cultural development; it is what makes it possible for higher psychical activities, scientific, artistic or ideological, to play such an 'important' part in civilized life."
Psychology textbooks present a similar view, stating that sublimation is "translating a distressing desire into an acceptable form." It occurs when displacement involves "the transformation of sexual or aggressive energies into culturally acceptable, even admirable, behaviors," and "serves a higher cultural or socially useful purpose, as in the creation of art or inventions"
Sublimation (psychology)
Any state of excitement, sexual or otherwise, whose natural or impulsive satisfaction is in some way too inconvenient, can be diverted into truly profitable tasks, such as, in the case of anger, going to a gym, or in the case of excessive enrichment, strictly speaking, investing in science and technology for peaceful purposes* and/or commercial competition.
* I am not saying, of course, that one should never invest in weapons or the military. This is essential up to a certain point, after which it is excessive and therefore counterproductive; as in the case of the one I am writing here.
On the other hand, containing this excessive energy always leads to a loss of health, in individuals and in communities.
In the case of the United States, and many of Joe Biden's most faithful allies in NATO, many people are not convinced of the false necessity of the war in Ukraine or of the expansion of this organization; hence in large part the problems in these countries to recruit more people into their armies.
The inconsistencies that a government like Joe Biden's is committing, reduce the self-esteem and self-confidence of the United States, causing true paranoia of what was not such at the beginning, and producing depression and a sense of meaninglessness in existence, and, therefore, in fact, an increase in suicides, mass shootings, drug addiction (and consequently drug trafficking), corruption and other serious evils.
At the same time, due to the expenses that prioritize this war and another over essential internal or intranational needs, such as social assistance for people with drug addiction problems, the problem is doubled; where, again, this country behaves like someone who stabs two knives at the same time with both hands, in vital parts.
On the contrary, voluntary alliances are so because they do not commit excesses in them, and they are really solid and healthy, leading to true progress. They are free, without being perfect, from excessive falsehoods and injustices, and this is the form of integration that the United States urgently requires more than ever, when China and Russia, and other BRICS, are competing very strongly with methods that do work.
The original article, in Spanish:
Solución de los graves problemas que Estados Unidos padece
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