sábado, 5 de marzo de 2022

The solution of this and all wars with maximum progress for all

I am not a citizen of any place on this planet, but only of progress for everyone in the world.

In any entity and individual, the only healthy way of life is the balanced one. In the same way that it is valid to say that a madman is unbalanced, it is valid to say it in terms of a company, an organization, a country or an entire planet.

This is something of which, conceptually, if not temporally, Humanity is still only vaguely aware.

In my book Theory of Universal Equilibrium, which I published in a very limited way in 2014, but which was later censored by the Internet Archive as a result of one of those forms of disequilibrium harmful to progress, I have shown that in any isolated social system, by nature there is a tendency to balance that always, after a while, leads to it. And that the progress of every living system depends on it.

After said censorship I have republished this book here:

In Spanish:


In English (with translation errors):


An example of that essential balance for progress in all aspects of life is the one that occurred on Earth between the capitalist and communist blocs. After the loss of that balance, the world naturally and inevitably entered into a process of redistribution of opposing forces. THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS, IN ANY ISOLATED SYSTEM, OF ANIMATE OR INANIMATE MATTER, ANYWHERE IN THE UNIVERSE. Neither the world nor the Universe can be otherwise, because the essence of its functioning and its progress lies in it.

NATO in recent decades has been increasingly pushing the rest of the world into a state of imbalance, which is completely unnatural and anti-progress of this isolated system that is the Earth. In recent years, this ambitious and abusive push has exceeded the limits of the unbearable, and trying to push even more, to gain even more ground. Against which Russia has been forced to act, by nature.

The natural tendency, which is going to be realized anyway, is for other parts of the world to come together to balance it out.

If NATO continues to press in this direction, it will force Russia and China to unite with each other, despite their differences, in order to protect themselves from this abuse that leads to imbalance, to the supremacy of one part of the world over another part of it, which is totally inconvenient (for everyone), and at the same time completely impossible, as NATO will find out if it insists on it.

It must be taken into account that in the face of such a tendency to imbalance and abuse, no discrepancy prevails between the parties that are being pushed to marginalization, to submission, to unbalanced reduction.

Or it will force Russia to do the job alone.

China is now just waiting for the most appropriate moment, when the worsening situation clearly justifies it for anyone in their right mind, to ally with Russia, when Putin is already about to attack with nuclear weapons, and unleash a global conflagration.

History will remember China as the country that saved humanity from extermination, and the United States and its allies as the country and the complicit countries that, due to their excessive expansionist ambition, put the human being at risk in its entirety much more than Germany, Japan and Italy in World War II.

In this new situation of increased rebel (opposition) force, in the alliance between Russia and China, these two countries are going to negotiate, in part since before the pact, the distribution of some territories: Russia in NATO abuses (prior, present and to come until its awakening) will find, now, an unquestionable justification to do what was not its objective before: to annex Ukraine, and most likely other former Soviet republics, while China will be able to annex Taiwan, Xinjiang, Tibet , gain greater control over Hong Kong and Macao and, much more likely than at present, snatch from Japan the Senkaku Islands, which are contesting both countries.

The armed conflict will cease, as NATO finally realizes that it can no longer continue to abuse with absolute ease, and a second cold war will have begun, in another bipolarized world, with another fierce arms race.

Vladimir Putin, like any other human being in his/her place, would be totally crazy, if he decided not to use nuclear weapons to stop the blind attempts at supremacy of the United States and NATO, even if it means the destruction of the entire world. For the sake of everyone, such a decision must be made in such a case.

Thus, at least perhaps there will be another opportunity for some other form of life, more intelligent, to arise in place of the current human, through another million years, or less taking into account that it will have already been recorded what annihilated the past civilization, and another is created with a culture marked by a strong rejection of imbalance.

Any imbalance leads to the annihilation of all forms of progress, to the extent that it occurs. This is why I advocate against it, for the benefit of the whole world. But it is going to come about not as an effect of my advocating for it, but only by nature. This letter is a prediction of what is going to happen anyway, only. By force of deterrence through arms, or by force of reason, as NATO chooses.

Such deterrence may involve having to go as far as the use of nuclear weapons. No country like Russia or China (nor instead any of the NATO members) will prefer the existence of a world like the one NATO intends.

In other words, Putin is serious when he threatens to use atomic weapons. Only due to lack of empathy NATO fails to notice it.

NATO wants all or nothing (it is clearly pushing for this). Russia fights for balance or nothing.

To put it more clearly: any civilized country on the planet will prefer the annihilation of a planet as unjust and as useless as the one that NATO is seeking. This is a law of nature, tending to the maximum progress for all within any isolated social system. Not a Russian law or whim.

The United States has not realized this yet, because it has not been said clearly enough: For example, the monopolies (imbalances) of Facebook and Google have been producing, for many years now, disastrous effects against the progress of the whole world, in all aspects of all forms of life, directly and indirectly.

Until now, the human being has almost completely rejected any form of balance.

What is the balance I'm talking about? It is all counterweight in sufficient quantity so that progress can sufficiently occur.

For example, I do not know of any company anywhere in the world whose degree of progress is so high that it has decided to self-impose a sufficient counterweight to achieve the maximum possible progress. Although it may seem impossible through ignorance, I am speaking for the real benefit also, precisely, of companies like Facebook and Google, as well as of any other company in the world.

This implies submitting to all criticism, FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD, of all its products and/or services; of all the parts that these compose; of all its workers (at all levels) and of each act of these within their working days.

Total transparency and participation. I have spoken much more in detail about it in the draft of my book From Infrahumans to Superhumans ("Superhumans"); which, very limitedly, I have published here:




The United States and many other rich countries (in a certain way all, without exception), are subjecting all the poor countries of the world to slavery and multiple atrocities derived from it, denying them, on top of such enslavement and to perpetuate it, in complicity with the criminal governments of these, the legal justice that their governed need for the respect of our human rights.

Such an imbalance is also evident in the systemic machismo with which the United States subjugates and whips all its women and murders multitudes of other living beings, humans as well, simply by "virtue" of their extreme state of vulnerability. Since among the rich countries this is the king of imbalance, a form of induced abortion is allowed that is so unbalancedly complacent with women, and so unbalancedly criminal with the unborn, that it can continue to abuse the former, keeping them irresponsible and frivolous and, this way, as dependent and usable as the subjects of the opposite sex want.

This reminds me of one of my brothers, Sergio, who in order to continue beating and treating his three children authoritatively, has used to overindulge them by buying them luxuries that have harmed them even more, making them useless and dependent on him.

This imbalance in the United States, very noticeable at the world level, is reflected, in addition to other forms, in the fact that this country has never had a woman in the presidency until now, while countries much closer to the balance between Women's rights and the rights of the unborn, such as England and Finland, have had her, as prime ministers, as well as other countries with less pronounced imbalances than that of the United States, such as, for example, Germany, Denmark and Norway.

It is impressive how far this imbalance in the United States extends, whereby the abuses against women are so blatant, that a presidential candidate, Donald Trump, dares to harass a candidate for the same position, Hillary Clinton, before the entire country and the whole world, and, as if that were not enough, he manages to win the election.

The Guardian newspaper then calls such an act of bullying simply "prowling":

Trump 'prowls' behind Clinton during presidential debate – video


The gift of irresponsible abortion is the jewelry with which a prostituting, exploiter and pimping government tries to buy women, to always have them as prostitutes (in the bad sense of this word, that is, deceivedly or inducedly).

This macho supremacy over women, or domination induced by power, is just another symptom of this serious syndrome of abusive imbalance that the United States is currently suffering.

NATO member nations would do well to honestly ask themselves if they have gone over the limits of their military threat and how far they have done it, putting themselves in Russia's shoes at all times. Otherwise the answer will have to be given to they from outside, and it will not be as pleasant as they have seen the picture that they can achieve supremacy.

The Universe is made in such a way that there cannot exist, in any isolated system, any supremacy or imbalance that is too great. And the greater a supremacy, the greater the opposition of the oppressed.

The solution to this war and to any other, and to any other injustice on the planet, is to begin by becoming aware of the need for this balance for our own benefit and that of the rest of the world, and impose it on all of us, individuals, companies, organizations and countries, for our maximum progress; without rejecting expansionism, as long as it is produced through fair economic, scientific and technological competition, totally transparent and participatory from all over the world.

I show the basis for this change in the above book and in other books I am writing:

Los 100 Más Grandes Errores que la Humanidad Está Cometiendo y sus Soluciones


El Arte de la Guerra Digital Contra los Criminales Corruptos


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